Monday, April 29, 2013

CARLSBAD FLOWER FIELD-A Heavenly Experience on Earth

In joy or Sadness,the Flowers are the constant & best Companion to everyone especially Poets. The flower Fields at at Carlsbad near San Diego in California is a show not to miss at any cost. I was told at the Field that the the presently spread Field over 50 Acres of coastal land at Carlsbad is Entertaining visitors from all over the World to return with broad smiles on their face since last 21 years. This magical place turns into a hillside Rainbow painted with vibrant colors of millions of Giant Tecolote Ranunculus. But this field with every flower blossoming in it could be witnessed only for a short period of Spring from 1st March running through 12 th May. So next time you plan to visit California ,it should be designed around this time to return again& again every year because one can not finish enjoying the multicolored flowers in just one visit. Here the rainbow colors grow along with the Flowers. The flowers here ,a sample of which have been depicted,do not have fragrance except roses.I was looking for Jasmine Flowers but could not come across.She should be available some where in the 50 acres of Flowerland.But due to shortage of time it was not possible to search all over the spreading over so much of land. The process of growing flowers here was stated to have been commences a century ago.However,the Flower field in the present shape has come into effect just 30 years.Since then every year in the spring season between the eginning of March&middle of May the flow of tourists to this heaven of earth from all over the world is stated to be beyond imagination. Here are a few samples of the pictures of the fully blossomed flowers of the season. {It is an experience for a whole lifetime.No wonder people are rushing&beelining to this place every spring season. Incidently we happened to visit this multicolored flower field on the 27th of April which is called RedHats Ladies'Day on which an army of disciplined Ladies roamed like a procession of deep red colors reminding the caprisoned elephants in a Temple fastival of Kerala. TheAntique tractor driven wagon Rides,Sweetpea Maze,Rose&Theme Gardens,PoinsettiaDisplay,Fresh Strawberries garden,CymbidiumGreen House,Santa's Playground,Armstrong Garden Centre&Garden Sculpture were sights to remember for a lifetime All the sights spread over 50 acres of land are not to be finished in a day.So we dcided to return to the place again before 12th of Maywithout which we can not do justification to this land of Fascinating colors called Carlsbad Flower SreedharanMundnat 30thApril2013

1 comment:

  1. Hello,thanks for your comment/info.
    in fact I was on visit to San Diego when I happened to visit the flower field.
    As I donot reside permanently,.I have passed on your msg to my relations in San Diego who would contact you when they need your service.
    sorry for delay.I have seen your MSG recety.
