Friday, April 26, 2013

A Few Beautiful &Colourful Birds

Everyone in this world likes Birds,Flowers & Butterflies.Perhaps,the obvious reasons might be their colorful appearance&innocent nature.Kids are more fond of these. Here are a few beautiful Birds found from the Internet. The African crowned cranes African crowned Cranes ,though not very colorful,are to some extent strange amusing Birds.The feathers on the neck behind head & it's general appearance makes it one of the beautiful birds in the world. American Kestrel American Kestrel is indeed A majestic bird in the falcon group but the body colors ,eyes& beak make it to the top list of Beautiful Birds in the world.It's beautiful blue feathers adds to it's beautiful nature Atlantic puffins The Atlantic Puffins are beautiful and so cute With their colorfulBeak& unique Body shape.The grey& white Feathers are so beautiful & perfectly matching their orange Beak& legs Baltimore Oriole The Baltimole Oriole belongs to The singing category of Birds.their songs are so nice to hear.They leave Bird watchers speechles with their song & matching & amazing black and orange colorful feathers& orange legs. Kingfisher The King Fisher is found all over the world where water is available.there arevdifferent species of thee birds but basically all are fish hunters.they are very fast in hunting fishes suitable to contain in their beak depending upon the size.very wise in selecting the fish variety. Found plenty near Indian canals& rivers.their amazing blue head feathers,orange body& orange legs made it a favorable bird of observers .it is a clever bird too. Lorikeet Loorikeets belong to the Parrots of tree.found plenty in India in different types. Beautiful for the amazing colts,eyes& peculiar beaks alone for Parrots. Indian Parrots are mostly in green color of their body.Adored all over the. World as a beautiful Bird. Northern Cardinal Northern Cardinal:this beautiful bird is perhaps the most vivid Variety With an outstandingly excellent Red Coat And a black bow tie around it's beak is a perfect example of how a bird could Look as perfect as it's name suggests. Painted Bunting Painted Bunting:This most beautifully painted multicolored bird is found in North America.One peculiarity about this attractive bird is that this colored outfit belongs only to the male bird.perhaps, a choice specially given to it to attract the Bird Lovers as well as their wonder how it found a place in the list of most outstanding birds. Peacock The peacock:The Peacock is the National Bird of's colors on the feather is outstandingly attractive.there is a spot like the image of eye in their feathers.Peacock used to spread their feather when the rain and Lightning Is approaching. Considered to be a signal of Rain' arrival.But there are different versions to this belief.It is also said the Peacock dances to influence their mates.This version is more likely for real than the Rain & Lightning.any how undoubtedly this is one of the most beautiful birds. Though a bird, it can not fly long distances. Scarlet Macaw Scarlet Macaw: This is also a Multicolored well designed beautiful bird like Parrots.It has a long colored tail .resembles Parrots in many respects.This in fact belongs to the Parrot Family.found in Plenty in Honduras& is also their National bird.found in the Forests of India in many is also called " Panchavarnakkili" in Malayalam as it has 5 prominent is such a Parrot all bird lovers would like to have in their homes as pets. Like the Indian Parrots ,these parrots can be trained to talk languages. No wonder why it has a prominent place in the list of Prominent birds in the World. We have now seen 10 beautiful birds.out of this 4 are found in India. They are 1) The Peacock,2)the Kingfisher,3)the Scarlet Macaw& 4)Lorikeets There are many more beautiful birds all over the world. It is ,however,very difficult to account for all of them. Kids would certainly love to watch the pictures of Birds,Flowers& Butterflies. The field of Butterflies is an enormous field to find huge variety of colors. Though Butterflies have short life span,the time they live they entertain human beings in immense mesures. More about Butterflies later sometimes. SreedharanMundanat 26th April 2013


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    Thanks a lot
